Pathway Connectivity Announces Sales Team Expansion: Kerstin O’Leary and Rusty Mcbride

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As Pathway Connectivity Solutions® continues to grow its operation, it is  pleased to announce that Rusty Mcbride and Kerstin O’Leary have both joined the sales team.  

Kerstin will focus on dealer sales and training while Rusty will head up international and  commercial sales. Both will have shared goals of fostering relationships with customers and  directing Pathway sales.  

Rusty joins Pathway Connectivity most recently from the Acuity Corporate Accounts Atrius™  team. Having past lead sales positions with Philips Lighting Controls and Color Kinetics, Rusty  has a long history in the lighting industry. In addition to his technical background, he has  experience in both working with dealers and lighting commercial agents.  

ETC’s Eos Lighting Control Platform gets Augment3d with Latest Update

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ETC officially released the Eos v3.0 software, bringing powerful three-dimensional programming and augmented-reality control to the Eos platform. This update marks the official integration of the much-anticipated Augment3d toolkit into Eos. With Augment3d, users can program moving fixtures with unprecedented speed and ease, visualize their cues in an imported model of their space, and even position lights with a flick of an augmented-reality smartphone “focus wand.” Over 5,000 beta users tested the software in recent months, and their feedback has helped to build one of the most exciting new Eos feature sets yet.

The new software runs natively on all the latest Eos Family hardware and can be used with the ETCnomad software on Mac and PC. Educators, students, and those wishing to learn the software can download the latest ETCnomad software for free and make use of the Augment3d programming space to create virtual design projects in offline mode. ETC has also created a virtual light lab show file to help students use Augment3d to learn about lighting.