A/V – Always Variable

In Web Articlesby tfwm

Roger-BlackingtonThe world of AV technology today means the church AV staff/department must always be variable. Variable based on changes in technology and variable based on the Lord¹s leading as church pastors and worship leaders apply these new technologies.

Technology is changing all around us and churches cannot be locked in one direction. Whether it be projection, lighting, sound or cameras, ¬elders and facility managers tend to have the idea that a system upgrade equates to a budget line item completed for the next ten years; however, in today¹s technology savvy world that idea is changing!

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Bringing Modern Sound To A Vintage HoW

In Install Newsby tfwm

A turn of the century church gets an Allen & Heath audio upgrade

“We are a very Leesburgenergetic and dynamic congregation, there is a lot going on in our Church on Sundays, and every day of the week” says Stephen Wolgamott, Worship Pastor of The First Baptist Church of Leesburg, Florida. Since the church was founded in the 1880’s the congregation and its activities have steadily grown to a population of over 1200 individuals and families. “Our three Sunday services include a twelve piece orchestra, a seventy person choir and six individual praise vocalists. Oh, yeah, and a five to six person contemporary band” says Wolgamott. Energetic and dynamic would seem an understatement.

This past year the Church completed a thorough renovation of its main sanctuary, which now includes an Allen & Heath ILive T112 console for front of house and an Allen & Heath GLD 80 mixing board for the adjacent broadcast/audio recording center. As with many older buildings, there were untraceable noise feeds happening in the audio chain. Challenges not easily overcome with older, analog consoles. Enter Tim Huff, President of Entertainment Arts of Orlando, Florida…

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River Oaks Upgrades to Yamaha CL5 Digital

In Web Articlesby tfwm

River Oaks new Yamaha CL5 Digital ConsoleThe 600-seat River Oaks Community Church, in Goshen, Indiana, holds contemporary worship services, and on any given Sunday, serves 1,200 of its congregation. With a rotating pool of 25 musicians, a standard worship service consists of 5-10 members on stage. The church recently retired its aged analog console and upgraded to a new Yamaha CL5 digital audio console and Rio 3224-D and 1608-D input/output boxes, purchased from Mid-America Sound in Greenfield, Indiana.

“We had an analog console for about ten years that outlived its welcome”, states Tim Blaum, Program Director at the church and who installed the CL. “We realized we needed to have additional control and mixing space.”

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Analog Way’s Midra™ series now shipping

In Product Newsby tfwm

Analog Way is pleased to announce the immediate availability of the entire Midra™ series. The MidraTM series, Analog Way’s new line of mid-range Mixers / Seamless Switchers, consists of 6 …