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Your Trusted Source for Worship Tech Education for over 30 years!


With a focus on helping houses of worship navigate the tricky world of AVL and production, Technologies for Worship Magazine offers educational articles, product reviews, product and industry news, and training opportunities for worship volunteers, technical directors, worship leaders, pastors and anyone else with a passion for excellence in worship production.

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AI and Your Church

AI and Your Church

By Tim Adams The rise of AI has been nothing short of meteoric, to be sure. However, there are serious concerns that need to be considered before starting to implement this myriad of technology.  I intend to dive into several aspects of the concerns myself and many...

Re-evaluating Our Communications and Emergency Backups, Part 1

Re-evaluating Our Communications and Emergency Backups, Part 1

by Peter Blue With the constant, non-stop “news” that we’re barraged with, often times significant stories come and go almost in a blink of an eye.  The problem with this is that before we’ve had time to think about what occurred that caused the story, we’re whisked...

Better Projection Without Upgrading

Better Projection Without Upgrading

By Tim Adams There are so many churches that struggle with their projection systems with washed out images, mismatched aspect ratios and resolutions leading to squished or stretched images, images that are larger than the screens they are throwing onto, or any number...

ETC Unleashes High End Systems Zeo

ETC Unleashes High End Systems Zeo

ETC adds a one-of-a-kind fixture to its automated lighting solutions with the new High End Systems Zeo. This multi-functional moving light can serve as a blinder, strobe, wash, beam, or effect light. Designed to bring powerful visuals to concert tours, Zeo’s distinct...

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