Shane Hurlbut, ASC, and Michael Cioni, Global SVP of Innovation at, are on a mission to de-mystify the post production process. They’ll be hosting a webinar this Thursday, April 16th at 12pm PDT covering how to best communicate with post-production teams and how color science and LUTs can help creatives achieve their vision.

Hurlbut and Cioni will also discuss how to protect your image by communicating and collaborating effectively with directors and studios—in person and in the cloud. Join them this Thursday at 12pm PDT to learn from the experts on both sides of the camera.

Topics covered will include:

  • How do you protect your image and inspire your team?
  • What documents, etiquette, and protocols can you use as a DP to help communication?
  • What are the most important questions you need to ask the post team?
  • How can cinematographers help make the post process more cost effective?
  • Once a look is baked in, where does it go and how is it viewed by the director and the studio in the editorial process?

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