
Reducing Feedback

Feedback in a sound system is that annoying howling or squealing tone you hear when the microphones pick up amplified sound from the loudspeakers. Sound from the speakers enters the mics, is re-amplified, and goes around in a feedback loop. Almost instantly, the...

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Studios in Ministry Environment

2020 was a tipping point for digital communication and 2021 has accelerated it. Organizations had to evolve to find ways to do business online and now the next wave of digital transformation is before us. If we want to be valued by our audiences, we must find ways to improve connection and engagement.

The only way to do this is to provide more relevant experiences by elevating digital content. If digital transformation isn’t part of an organization’s 2022 plan, they will lose out on relationship building with their audience. If digital transformation is a priority, they have the potential to grow their audience.

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