by Media | Dec 5, 2023 | Audio, Installs
When Diversified, a leading global technology solutions provider, was given the task of upgrading the existing AV system at Journey Church in Lake Worth, Florida, the company was looking to bring innovative communications and enhanced production capabilities while...
by admin | Oct 31, 2023 | Articles, Audio, home_page, Video/Broadcast
by Kathryn Taub Houses of worship are a unique vertical for pro AV in the sense that highly technical installations are often run by volunteers whose AV experience is limited at best. They need the most error-proof AV systems available so they can focus on delivering...
by Media | Mar 17, 2020 | Audio, home_page
Flyable SXCF118 and SXC115 purpose designed to partner WPS and WPM line arrays Martin Audio has announced the release of two new compact, high performance cardioid subwoofers, the SXCF118 and the SXC115, suitable for both live sound reinforcement and fixed...