The Sennheiser MKH 416 shotgun microphone is 50

15% anniversary discount on the all-time classic in April One of Sennheiser’s most revered microphones, the MKH 416 P48 shotgun microphone, celebrates its golden jubilee this year! For 50 years, the MKH 416 has accompanied broadcasters, filmmakers, voice-over artists,...

UVonix™ Blackstar

True 365NM UV Light   UVonix™ Blackstar is designed to maximize UV output, while filtering out all non-365nm wavelengths. It features 12x 10W UV LEDs with ZWB2 longwave UV bandpass filters, a modern advancement on the Woods’ glass filter. ZWB2 filters permit 23%...
New counterweight rigging technology from ETC

New counterweight rigging technology from ETC

New from ETC, Prodigy Balance rigging is a revolutionary approach to traditional counterweight systems that brings safety and accessibility to what had been a dangerous part of working backstage. Through innovative engineering, ETC has improved century-old technology...

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