Our friends at SundayU Mag recently ran a Q&A with Justin Dean, Clark Campbell, Dave Adamson, Haley Veturis, and William Vest, which they’ve graciously allowed us to share with you.

Despite the uncertainty we are all experiencing, one thing is certain: God’s grace and love, and the need for the house of worship community to continue to pull together to share the Word with current members and people searching for answers to help ease their fears.

We already know God is the answer. Let’s move forward with that clear understanding.

Technologies for Worship Magazine will continue to do its part to share tips, educational opportunities, motivational blogs and different ideas to help houses of worship thrive, so check back often.

Remember, we are all in this together. Be kind to each other, and live in the knowledge that God is good.

Check out more #COVID19 Resources from Sunday U Mag:

COVID-19 & Your Church
4 Ideas to be FOR Your Community During COVID-19
The New Church
Podcast: COVID-19 Coronavirus & Your Church

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