HOW-TO: Projector Placement and Why Vertical Projection Angles Matter by Dave Rogers

In home_page, Projection, Projection Product News, Video/Broadcastby Media

There are various factors most know about when setting up a projection system but the proverbial “devil in the details” often goes overlooked. I’m talking about a projector’s vertical alignment. It is a relatively simple function but it has small elements to it that every installer should be aware of and that goes double for houses of worship.  It may be a small matter, but the difference between doing it right and wrong will come with either great rewards or a potentially costly disappointment.   This is especially important for Houses of Worship because there are so many different ways a projection system can be installed and there are often more variables at play than an enclosed conference room or home theater.  As a person of faith, I want to contribute to your congregation’s success. This is one of those AV veteran moments where a small bit of advice can spare you from buying expensive AV gear you don’t need, while getting the best performance out of the equipment you have (or can realistically afford).  This is also a topic that will help enhance you the ability to make wise decisions when buying AV gear whenever an upgrade or new building project is in order.   With all that said, saddle up; for the next few minutes we’ve got  work to do…