Behind the Scenes is pleased to announce that AC Power Distribution (ACPD), a brand of ACT Entertainment, has joined our Pledge-of-Support Program. ACPD will contribute a portion of the profits from their new LunchBoxPD data and power distribution system to the charity. ACT Entertainment is a leading supplier of entertainment industry products across six different end markets, including professional lighting and control equipment; audio, video, fiber and power distribution; cables; connectivity; metalwork; custom manufacturing; and design.ACPD’s LunchBoxPD integrates power and data distribution into one device without compromising either. The LunchBoxPD nodes offer four DMX ports to break out from an ethernet data network, while still allowing data to pass through. In doing so, it delivers CRMX wireless DMX data directly to a traditional lunchbox power solution, providing robust DMX throughput as well as six individually optically isolated outputs. Numerous power and data configurations can be achieved, all inside the durable, compact, and proven form factor of the LunchBox. The LunchBoxPD will be on display for the first time at LDI 2023.
When discussing Behind the Scenes’ Pledge-of-Support Program, AC Power Distribution Products Vice President James Davey stated, “BTS is an amazing organization providing much needed support when members of our industry need it most. We’re very proud to help support this worthy cause.”