Tech, No Babel: Directing a live video production

In Web Articlesby admin

When you’re directing a live video production there’s a lot to think about…and even more to say. So, how do you get good at it? I’ll let you know when I figure it out. (just kidding, but I am only average at directing).

I start by giving my camera ops a great deal of latitude in shot selection. In the heat of the moment, sometimes you just can’t call the shots you want, but you can choose which shots to take when.

With that in mind, you should know a good shot when you see it. When I direct, I have quite a few things in mind. First, I want shots to fit the material. I want them to be different enough that a cut doesn’t cause a jumpcut and a “morphing effect” with a cross-dissolve.

To watch a video and read more, please click here.

Central Christian Upgrades With Martin Audio MLA

In Install Newsby admin


The Central Christian Church Mesa Campus recently completed an overhaul of its main worship center built around a Martin Audio MLA Compact system.

According to lead audio engineer Milk Arnold, “the system consists of four hangs with six MLA Compact enclosures each above the thrust but all the way back against the proscenium––the pastor actually stands in front of the PA. We also have four Martin Audio DD6s as lip fills that give us amazing coverage for the front rows.”

The building that houses the 1900-seat worship center was built in the late seventies with a balcony built for future use that was never completed and is now unused, posing a legitimate challenge for any speaker system.

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